Saturday, 19 December 2015


Chronic kidney disease is simply a condition that many people have in which the kidney doesn’t filter as well as it did or could. The kidney has many functions, but most importantly it filters the blood of toxins or excess electrolytes, like potassium and calcium. Some people develop chronic kidney disease sooner than others. High blood pressure and diabetes are two of the most common conditions that cause people to develop chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease is measured in stages, I-V. The higher the number, the more severe the disease is. Most people never “feel” chronic kidney disease. In all likelihood, you wouldn’t even know you had it without blood work. But, it plays a role in many decisions I make in your health.

Many medications are filtered out of the body through the  kidneys.  This means that when you have chronic kidney disease, some medications are dosed differently or even prohibited entirely. Over the counter medications such as ibuprofen(Advil or Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve) are harmful to people with chronic kidney disease, especially if used frequently. Unfortunately, many people who have chronic kidney disease also have arthritis or chronic pain. In those cases, medications like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or prescription pain medications may be more appropriate long-term choices. Some natural herb products or supplements, such as St. John’s wort, ginkgo or ones high in
potassium or magnesium, need to be monitored or avoided in chronic kidney disease. Medications as basic as antibiotics can require kidney function  adjustment, so it’s very important to work with your doctor and know your kidney function.

Chronic kidney disease can also cause changes in the body, such as anemia or bone disease. The kidneys secrete a hormone that stimulates bone marrow to produce blood cells. If the hormone is not secreted adequately, anemia may develop. The kidneys also help the body use calcium and vitamin D
properly. Without the full function of the kidneys, people may develop bone disease, such as osteoporosis.

Well, given all of this information, what can you do to prevent it? By far and away the most important things a person can do is regulate blood sugar and pressure. Blood pressure should be checked often and diet should be built around the DASH diet, a nationally recognized low blood pressure diet. Many resources for this diet are available online. Low sodium is key. Like I tell my patients: wherever salt goes, water follows.

The more salt, the higher the blood pressure. High sugar also damages the kidney. If you are overweight, or have  family history of diabetes, it’s important to have blood sugar checked. The DASH diet is also a good resource for sugar control. Simple sugars are to be avoided. Medications like I discussed are also to be used sparingly. Follow these guidelines, work with your doctor and you will be successful in preventing chronic kidney disease.

Pinnacle kidney /kidney+ is very helpful and plays an important role in recovering the kidney function naturally. You can vist for more information or make an Appointment with Will Shannon.

Thursday, 17 December 2015


1. Switch the Mental Associations

1. Think of a food you dislike.

2. Mentally notice if the thought brings up a picture, internal dialogue, or feeling – it’s easiest to work with a visual.

3. Notice the qualities of the image or video, voice or feeling including location in your body.

4. Switch the food you want to have the same disdain for into this place.

2. Use a Quality Quantifier

1. Think of a food you want to dislike.

2. Notice on a scale of 0 to 10 how strong your desire is or was for it.

3. First increase the level of desire – to show to yourself you have control over it.

4. Then ask yourself “What would I need to think about, picture, say to myself to feel to take this to an X?” Where X represents a number 2-3 points below the current level.

5. Keep going until you take it to a 0.

You can then increase the number for a food you like

Pick a food in the alkaline section of the manual that you know is good for you. Ask: “What would I need to picture, say to myself, feel or think about this to increase my desire for this to an X? Where X represents a number 2-3 points higher than the current level.

 3. Build A Compelling Future

Human beings get happy from knowing that tomorrow is better than today. It might be a future in this current life. For other people it is a transcendental future – that is a future in a future life. You need to work on who you want to be to get there. Ask yourself: “Is this meal choice or action consistent with the identity I’m building for myself?”

Monday, 14 December 2015

The Best Way to Lose Belly Fat For Today's Woman

Most people are interested with weight control. Some may just have the ideal weight while other may need to add few more pounds. More people are battling with weight problems at some point of their lives. Whatever your goal regarding weight control, it is important to acknowledge the importance of exercise in controlling your weight.
It is a fact that having too much body fat is a problem. However, with modern-day living, excess body fat is common. Most of the jobs we have right now do not require physical activity and our leisure time is usually spend sitting in front of the TV.

The Effects of Excess Body Fat
Recent studies showed that most of  adults are obese, which means they are 20% above the ideal weight. At present, a growing number of children and youth populations have higher body fat levels. Excess body fats are often linked to different illnesses such as high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, and other types of cancers. Some studies showed that obesity has negative effects not only on health condition of a person but his or her longevity as well.

The Recommended Exercise
Although there is various kinds of exercise, aerobics uses most energy hence it is recommended for weight control. It uses the large muscle in the body in a rhythmic and continuous movement and needs oxygen to produce energy. The longer you do aerobic exercises, the more energy your body needs, the more calories are used. Experts recommended to do aerobics not less than three times a week for a minimum span of 20 minutes. As you body adjusts, you can gradually increase your aerobics time to 40 minutes

A Balanced Diet
Having a balanced diet must be part of any weight control program. Hence, whether you are looking for the fastest way to lose weight or are considering to lose few pounds in a week, you must follow a balanced diet. A diet that includes complex carbohydrates and moderate fat and protein is ideal to complement an exercise program. It should also satisfy your recommended daily allowance and includes the right number of servings of food combining: vegetables and fruits (foods high in fiber), four servings; bread and cereals, four servings; milk and milk products, two to four servings; and meat and fish (foods high in protein), two servings.
Recommended daily intake should not be less than 1,200 calories, .. If you need more  information about your health you can discuss with  Will Shannon , Australia's most well known Naturopath and Iridologist or contact or  visit

Reduce Fat With a High-Protein Diet

All people are losing the battle of the bulge. About two-thirds of adults and one-third of children are either overweight or obese. Weight-related diseases like diabetes type II and heart disease are on the rise, as are healthcare costs.
What is the best diet?

Now a day  most of people spend an incredible,  amount a year on diet and weight-loss products. Unfortunately, they rarely work. Only about five percent of dieters are able to lose weight on a diet and keep it off for more than one year. Millions of women on diets spend billions of dollars without anything to show for it. Men are also dieting more than ever before.
When a guy goes on a diet, however, he is rarely trying to fit into a skimpy new swimsuit or speedo. More often than not, he wants to reduce fat and tummy flab. Men tend to store most of their excess weight in their stomachs. In order to shrink stomach, a man must eat right and exercise. It's really that simple.

According to the Will Shannon , Australia's most well known Naturopath and Iridologist,losing weight requires portion control and substitutions. Instead of sugary drinks, he recommends water or low-fat milk. Instead of side dishes that are high in carbohydrates, he suggests fresh vegetables and fruits. Oversize portions are also a problem.

A fat upper stomach is often the result of too much snacking. Eating between meals is responsible for more potbellies than the pig! Sugary and salty snacks are a deadly food combination, since they are chockfull of carbohydrates. Carbs are broken down quickly and efficiently by the body. In other words, little energy is expended and few calories are burned during digestion.
Any diet service worth its salt will let its clients know that foods that are high in protein require more energy (calories) to burn than other foods. A thick steak takes a lot of effort to chew, swallow and digest. When the meal is broken down, nearly thirty percent of its calories will have been burned off. By comparison, a handful of potato chips or pretzels will require only a fraction of that amount to digest.
Every Dieter is Different

One reason why so many dieters fail is because the diet treatment they use treats them all the same. Some folks need a detox diet, while others simply need to lose weight. Age is also an important consideration. When we get older, our metabolic rate slows and it our bodies don't break down food as efficiently. That is why most teenagers can get away with eating almost anything, while most adults gain weight if they even look at a fattening food. Older people must change their diets accordingly. They must incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables and protein, and jettison the carbohydrates. Failure to do so could result in weight gain and increased risk of fatal diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. For More more information you can contact or make an appointment pinnacle clinic

Friday, 4 December 2015

Australia's most well known Naturopath and Iridologist

Will Shannon is an internationally recognised authority on natural medicine, the science of Iridology, Herbalism and working with incurable illness. He is the president of the Australian Complementary Medicine Association. His expertise (including as a naturopath and iridologist) has been called on from individuals from around the globe; having personally consulted tens of thousands of people from over 140 countries.

Will Shannon has served as an advisor and Naturopath to leader from all walks of life including global celebrities, actors, media and entertainment figures. In the sporting arena, he has advised national and international athletes. In the area of politics his clients have included government departments and individuals including current and former heads of state and Government. He has also served as a consultant for the legal community.

Will Shannon is a 2nd generation practitioner of natural medicine whose father Eli Shamon started the Pinnacle brand of health clinics, and products. He is the founder of BioMediK Companies which offer health care, medical service and education to individuals globally, including those who might not otherwise have access to medical care.

He is a recognised catalyst in personal and social change and has been lauded for his training in understanding and protecting the access of medical care to minority groups. He is committed to change in social systems and is trained in the Eriksonian approaches, direct and indirect negotiation, brief and family therapy, conflict resolution, life cycle theory, the third side and human needs intervention. Having treated both Western and Natural Physicians of a variety of ethnicities, his innovative work, including as an iridologist, and teaching materials have been utilised by a variety of educational institutions around the world. 

He had been featured or quoted in publications such as The Wall Street Journal and Forbes, as well as being a regular contributor for Woman's Day, Australia's highest selling weekly magazine. 

He travels around Australia every year, including the Australian capitals Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth, in addition to international destinations. 

He has designed medicine, and food products to the standards of the Australian and Chinese government, for many years, with the Australian Government maintaining some of the most stringent controls on complementary medicine in the world. 

He has knowledge of ASADA and World Anti Doping requirement when working with national and international athletes, and has worked to ensure athletes have substances consistent with the requirement of these legislation includingstaying up to date with the latest updates to these codes.

His work through the World Health Care Council has assisted people in the 2nd and 3rd world obtain access to life saving care. The WHCC offers frame work, guidelines and training programs for government and private sector for development and implementation of health care systems. 

The WHCC has holds special interest in Fiji, Tonga, Samoa and Polynesia with further plans to expand into Uganda, South Africa and Alaska (USA). 

Pinnacle Health Clinic accepts all those without discrimination for race, religion, background or other socio-economic factors. 

Pinnacle Health Clinic has plans to open permanent locations training other Naturopaths and Iridologists in 2015 in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth, including other locations in Sydney including Penrith, and Double Bay.

These new locations will ensure the Eastern Suburbs, North Shore, Inner West, and the Western Suburbs in Sydney have world class natural health service, and access to allied health professionals practising mind and body modalities including chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists, massage therapists, and Naturopaths and Iridologists.

The Australian Complementary Medicine Association plans to unify Australian natural medicine modalities, offering further acceptance and guidelines for those in spiritual fields with plans for special guidelines and programs for those incarcerated, law enforcement, and the protection, preservation and advancement of indigenous medicine. 

He is based in Sydney, Australia.